Upper Back Pain FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions about Upper Back Pain

Our backs are constantly used for walking, running, lifting, bending, and more. Almost all physical activity involves your back muscles. Although, those same back muscles can keep you from enjoying the activities you love. If you’re suffering from upper back pain, our chiropractor can help. These questions from Peach Orchard Family Chiro explain more about back pain causes and how chiropractic care can help with back pain relief.


What can cause upper back pain?

An accident, chronic health conditions, years of poor posture, and repetitive motions related to your job or sports can cause upper back pain. After assessing your symptoms and performing a physical exam, our Gilbert chiropractor can determine the source of your pain, so we can outline a treatment plan. Chiropractic treatments are designed to treat your pain and its source to help you obtain long-term pain relief.

How does your chiropractor treat upper back pain?

Our chiropractor will start by checking your spinal alignment. Misalignments in your spine are a source of pain due to bones or joints putting pressure on spinal nerves. Using chiropractic adjustments, we can reposition structures back where they belong. This repositioning will take the stress off of your nerves to reduce pain. Realigning your spine helps your body move smoothly without pain.

Therapeutic massage is another therapy used for back pain relief. Massage helps relax tense muscles that can cause muscle spasms and pain. Massage also circulates oxygen-rich blood to painful areas to help your body heal. Lastly, we can introduce corrective exercises into your treatment to strengthen core muscles, improve flexibility, and restore mobility. This restoration can be beneficial after an accident, as it puts you on the road to recovery.

How can I prevent back pain?

If your pain was caused by a work or sports accident, you could prevent future pain by being more careful on the job or sports field. Slowing down on the job or changing your routine could help avoid pain from overworking. You’ll also need care when lifting heavy objects to avoid muscle strains. Improving your posture can help prevent back pain, especially if you have a desk job and hunch over your computer all day. Regular exercise will help strengthen your back muscles to provide the support you need.

See Our Chiropractor for Back Pain Relief

Back pain may be familiar, but you don’t have to endure painful symptoms. Through chiropractor care, you can achieve pain relief. To schedule an appointment for diagnosis and treatment of back pain, contact Peach Orchard Family Chiro in Gilbert, SC, at (803) 356-2225.

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